BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Sunday, 13 November 2016

The News At Ten....

....well 9.15 actually.

A friend rang on Friday morning to say he'd like a spell of birding with me sometime, I told him I was actually about to set off, and if he wished he could join me.

Goosander. Jan Larsson. 

Thirty minutes later we were looking over Conder Pool to find 11 Goosanderan increase of one to last weeks all time best count of ten. Also on the pool, up to 150 Black-headed Gull and 21 Redshank noted, and of the 10 Little Grebe seen, three were in the creeks where the Spotted Redshank reigns, also the lone Black-tailed Godwit and another Goosander was seen, 12 Snipe were in flight over the marsh seen from the coastal path. An estimated 300 Dunlin and 95 Golden Plover were on the Lune Estuary, with 14 Snipe counted possibly of the twelve seen from the coastal path earlier.

I decided we'd go south down the A588 on a 'geese and swan' run, but we had to wait until leaving the area for home to eventually see a few hundred Pink-footed Geese honking their way overhead as vanguard to the Pilling Marsh overnight roost. But we did find 53 Whooper Swan, they were seen as 25 on Fluke Hall Lane, 13 in a field at Fluke Hall, 11 on Pilling Marsh, and 4 on Pilling Sands where several hundred Dunlin were scattered along the sands and feeding. Also on the sands, 2 Ruff  were probably of the four seen here on my visit last Wednesday 2 November, a Buzzard over was a notably dark individual.

In a damp field at Fluke Hall, a few pipit's flew up and away ahead of us, but at least 3 Meadow Pipit, 2 Skylark, and 3 Pied Wagtail seen, in the hedgerow, 4 Blackbird3 Dunnockand a Robin

I think Mike enjoyed the experience of a little birding on the Lune Estuary, said he was impressed with the two Ruff, telling me they were a first for him. I enjoyed seeing the Ruff again too....I always do.   

Thanks to Jan Larsson for the header and post images....Much appreciated Jan.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds as if you gave Mike a splendid birding session, Pete. Well done!

    Thank you for the reminder that I've got a group of Goosander just a mile down the road from me, and I've not been to see them yet!

    Best wishes - - - Richard
