BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Saturday, 25 February 2017

Wora Lark!....Nice One AC.

There's been a five month gap since the last class bird was found in our area when SP found the brilliant American Golden Plover at Cockersand 29 September 2016....but yesterday closed the gap in style.

Merlin. Cockersand February 24. Pete Woodruff.

I was already excited by finding this female Merlin squat in a field at Cockersand, clearly a good example of how the Merlin and the Mistle Thrush are not immediately distinguishable at a distance and in a pose like this one, the Merlin differing in overall length with the Mistle Thrush by only 4cm, the bird eventually flew off to land on a distant fence post.

But now I was about to get even more excited, my mobile has a voice at the other end telling me of a couple of birds found on the marsh at Bank End....I'm on my way AC. I could tell by his actions that he had the bird's in his sights when I arrived on the scene, and I was soon looking at two Shorelark out on the marsh. 

Shorelark. Cockerham Marsh 24 February. Copy Permitted.

An excellent sighting and good if distant views of which SP got a decent shot given the distance between us and the bird's which were still there again today at 1.10pm SD442525

Nice one AC....and many thanks for your call. 

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