BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Sunday, 6 August 2017

A Scaup In The Scope!

Drake Scaup. Conder Pool 4 August. Pete Woodruff.

In Lancashire, no better than an uncommon winter visitor to the coast, it was a surprise to find my first ever summer Scaup, a drake on Conder Pool Friday afternoon.

Also on the pool, 5 Little Grebe were seen, in the creeks and downstream channel, 6 Common Sandpiper, a Greenshank was with 320 Redshank and 5 Goosander noted, with butterflies on the coastal path, a Red Admiral and GatekeeperThe Lune Estuary was big on water and little on birds, but 2 Common Tern adult and 2 Whimbrel were seen.

Wheatear Plover Scar. Pete Woodruff.

Plover Scar was almost deserted, but did provide me with my first autumn Wheatear. Long Tongue held c.250 Oystercatcher, a few Golden Plover and Turnstone. Later from Plover Scar north to Crook Farm, probably in excess of 1,500 Dunlin and 150 Ringed Plover were strung out and feeding along the shoreline, with a Whimbrel seen, and a Great-crested Grebe off here. A Meadow Brown was on Slack Lane with a Kestrel hovering over, and the lone Whooper Swan appears to be on friendly terms with a Mute Swan, the only two birds in the field.

Garden bird and a LRP.

I was chuffed to see a juvenile Robin in our garden on Friday morning, and was also chuffed to see an e-mail telling me of a juvenile Little Ringed Plover on Conder Pool yesterday afternoon....Thanks AC. 

Many thanks for the Robin header image Geoff....Nice, and puts my terrible Scaup pik to shame.

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