BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

The Picture Gallery.

Its Wednesday and my birding is restricted to a couple of hours at Morecambe on Wednesday each week at the moment. It was a brilliant day for a check of the birds around the high tide the highlight of which was an adult Mediterranean Gull found off Teal Bay mid afternoon, also probably up to 200 Eider between here and Broadway of which 125 were at the end of the groyne NE of the yacht club slipway with 3 Goldeneye to note. I have it on good and reliable authority of a Green Sandpiper seen from the Lancaster Canal on 11 January c.1.5 miles south of deep cutting bridge on a beck running into the canal.

Brian Rafferty has been out and about with his camera recently which is good news for me and Birds2blog as I can fill my birding gaps with some more excellent photographs the likes of which we see in the one above of the Barn Owl. Photographically I think the composition of this image is spot on with the drooping barbed wire and broken down fence post's with the grasses growing up them to complete the perfect picture....Thanks BR full marks as ever.  

This is another of those Mike Watson's White-tailed Eagle images from his trip to Hungary when he visited the Hortobagy National Park. This bird is something else as is Mikes photograph of it....Thanks MW.


And again, another one of those Paul Baker's Ring-billed Gull images in British Columbia, Canada. Some smart gull this one, and some smart image of it too....Thanks PB.

Running up the rear is Colin Bushell's amazing Gretna Green Starling roost which Colin claims is one of the UK's most amazing spectacles and I'm not about to deny that....Thanks CB.

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