BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND................................................................................SCAUP MORECAMBE BAY PETE WOODRUFF

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Mainly Pictures.

Collage. Pete Woodruff.

I came across these four pics during one of my regular rummages through things bird connected and put them together the result being to make this pretty awful collage, but never mind they are three interesting birds and a nice summer visitor the Wheatear at the bottom right. I didn't think it important enough to dig out dates but the bird at the top left is the Green-winged Teal which took up residence at Marshside a year or two ago. The bird top right is the Night Heron which did a bit of roaming around some years ago and at one point turned up on the small lake at Lancaster University. And the interesting partial albino bird is an Oystercatcher I found one day at Fluke Hall, I initially saw the bird in flight over the high tide here and for a moment thought I was looking at an immature Little Gull with the birds odd black and white markings and not yet noted the bill, it soon came down in the field where I got this photograph.

Kestrel. Phil Slade.

I'm a sucker for excellent photographs and couldn't resist this brilliant one of the hovering Kestrel from Phil. I'm also always up for plugging a good blog to view and THIS is definitely one.

Marsh Harrier. Gary Jones.

Still the sucker, and here's another one from Gary who recently achieved this excellent image of the juvenile Marsh Harrier on a visit to Leighton Moss, and also....

Tawny Owl. Gary Jones. this one of the Tawny Owl which Gary regarded as a bonus to his visit and he has to be right on that one being an excellent bonus. Please consider giving Gary's website a visit HERE

And finally....I got a text message by a man I know from the Fylde who told me of the return of the Hobby (seen 2 July) at Pilling Marsh this afternoon but unfortunately couldn't respond to the call but consider this....On Friday 9 July a week after Phil's sighting of the Hobby I included in my post the necessity  of a stake out here when I found in excess of 300 Swallows over the field and at rest on the fence posts adjacent to Fluke Hall Wood, I reckon this bird has discovered a food source and probably returns here on a regular basis....Mmmmm!


  1. Its the Swallows that bring the Hobbies over my patch Pete, they like to get the young ones.

  2. Yes, Swallow roosts are certainly a favoured target for the Hobby Warren.
