BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Med Gull here, Med Gull there...., there, everywhere a Med Gull....well not quite but I did find six on today's rounds.

Conder Green was a bit of a road to nowhere today but that's birding isn't it. On the pool the count has increased to 4 Little Grebe and the summering 2 Wigeon were back on here after quite a long stretch away somewhere. Twelve House Martin were around River Winds and good numbers of Swallow here and elsewhere all day either feeding over fields or heading south. 

On the Lune Estuary the adult Whooper Swan continues to keep itself apart from the Mute Swans though never far away. A Little Egret was below Waterloo Cottage, and 2 Mediterranean Gull were an adult and near-adult, waders noted were c.700 Redshank with similar Lapwing though not at all huge in number yet, and c.150 Golden Plover, a Peregrine Falcon was on Colloway Marsh quietly and threateningly looking about and ready to put panic to several hundred waders the instant it took off. 

At Cockersands another 3 Mediterranean Gull with a few hundred Black-headed Gull in a field being cut by Mr Farmer in his tractor. I went nowhere beyond Plover Scar today noting similar numbers to recent visits of, c.225 Dunlin, 125 Ringed Plover, 75 Oystercatcher, 3 Turnstone and a Whimbrel

Sedum Copyright

Doing myself out of the healthy trundle to Bank End, I drove to the Caravan Park where the days total count of c.35 Small Tortoiseshell included eight feeding on Sedum, I think this is my best butterfly count of the year. On the way to Bank End I saw a Kestrel reminding me of the few I've seen of late, another Mediterranean Gull here, a Wheatear and Little Egret brought the days birding to a close. 

And the unrelated pics....

Shag. David Cookson.

Fulmar. David Cookson.

A couple of excellent images showing the bonds two birds have when they become a pair.... frozen in a moment of time. My thanks to David Cookson for these two photographs. 

Not just a picture of a Jay but one with a touch of humour with this bird engaged in bathing and its appearance as a result of getting a soaking....Brilliant Ana and many thanks. 

Reed Warbler Martin Jump. 

Martin has an excellent illustrated account HERE of this Reed Warblers antics in getting to this food source.  I met Martin today at Glasson Dock and it was good to finally put a face to the name. Good to see you Martin and many thanks for your support on Birds2blog....I need it!


  1. Great to meet you Pete,I've been wondering when I was going to bump into you on my travels,a great account of your day's birding and thank you for promoting my blog.

  2. The pleasure and thanks are all mine Martin, see you again sometime, hopefully soon.

  3. jaja!!!.. Dou you like the punky jay???..I enjoyed the bathroom .. LOI... I´m grateful.. Greetings from Spain..
