BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

The Final.

No....not the World Cup Final, in any case I have it on good authority the return flight to England has already been booked to follow the next match.

Pied Flycatcher Brian Rafferty

But yesterday was probably 'The Final' visit to Barbondale for me this year, primarily to see the result of the breeding season for the Pied Flycatcher, of which there was four pairs which produced 23 young, only four of which have yet to fledge to have 2014 as the best year yet at Barbondale.

Redstart Antonio Puigg  

I also found two active Redstart nests, both of which were 12ft up a tree and were from sightings of six birds. Six Willow Warbler were quite vocal, a Dipper and up to 6 Grey Wagtail were on Barbon Beck, and a Buzzard soared above. 

Noticeably, despite spending 5 hours in the area I found no Spotted Flycatcher, Wheatear, or Tree Pipit.

Thanks to BR/AP for the images, 'clik the pik' and see how good they really are.   


  1. Oh yes, the Pied Flycatcher and the Redstart, they are superb.

  2. Pete. Congrats on a great breeding season for Barbondale's Pied Flys.Just rewards for all the work by yourself and John Wilson at this beautiful location. Nice to talk re Spot Flys etc. Will be in touch,take care.

  3. Hi Pete!!!.. Very good pictures and birds .. Congrats and best regards from Madrid.. ..

  4. Thanks for looking in and commenting Bob/Brian.

    Congrats and Best Regards in return to you from Lancaster Ana.

    Much appreciated all.
