BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Saturday, 29 June 2019

What's On!

Another one of those couple of hours yesterday, with just time to see what's on at the pool. 

Nothings changed on the pontoon, along with the Common Terns, the Black-headed Gulls having escaped the same fate as the Oystercatcher young a few weeks ago, all appear to be living in absolute bliss.

The first thing to note was a return to Conder Pool of a smart Little Grebe in full summer plumage, it was ten day's later than the first returner on 18 June in 2018, but if last year is anything to go by it will have been joined by a few of it's relations by the end of July when they might have reached a double number.

The 2 Avocet are still sitting comfortable it seems, and 2 Tree Sparrow were noted in the hedgerow. In the creeks, a Greenshank and 3 Common Sandpiper, the numbers of which didn't increase from 9 seen four days ago as anticipated, 12 were seen on this date last year.

Six active House Martin nest's are in view at River Wind's, but I saw no activity at the cafe despite my lingering there a while. Two Painted Lady and 2 Meadow Brown seen along the coastal path, and another Painted Lady seen in the car park on Rigg Lane, following a failed attempt - it was blowing a howler up there - to find Keeled Skimmer on the bog at Birk Bank, which was encouraged by finding five there last year on 22 June.

ZHF3 Conder Pool 24 June. Pete Woodruff.

This Mediterranean Gull was ringed as a young bird (pullus) in Senov, Volensky Fish pond, in the Ostrava District of the Czech Republic, on 8 June 2017. It was first reported at Kilkieran Harbour, Galway, Ireland, on 9 January 2019, and subsequently seen on three dates in June 2019 at Leighton Moss RSPB Reserve, Lancashire before my sighting on Conder Pool, Lune Estuary,  24 June.

I'm grateful to Josef Chytil, Head of Department Ornithological Station of Comenius Museum for handling my report, and for sending me the history of this ringed Mediterranean Gull, it was very much appreciated.  


  1. I'm delighted to hear that the Terns and Black-headed Gulls are still at peace, Pete.

    I'm pleasantly surprised by the speed with which your received feedback on your ring report. It's always interesting to hear of the travels of ringed birds.

    With my very best wishes - - - Richard

  2. Josef was a star in responding promptly to my submission and forwarding the history, and I duly thanked him for that.

    You've seen the gull moved from the Czech Republic to Ireland to have it's ring read in January 2018 for the first time, a distance of at least 1,600km. Why would a bird do that?....Amazing.

  3. Like the ringing details. Always very interesting knowing what these birds get up to.

  4. Often the highlight of a days birding to find a Med Gull, and two on the excellent Conder Pool with one ringed being a great bonus, the history often truly remarkable.

    Thanks for keeping in touch and for your comments Marc/Richard.
