BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Sunday, 27 February 2011

Revolution and a couple of pics.

R + L. Richard Shilling.

If you've been following Birds2blog for any length of time, you'll know that I don't allow politics or controversy on to the blog....well not too much of it if I can help it though there's lots of both surrounding the birds.

Richard Shillings latest post is really good both with regard to his latest creation and the excellent write up below his illustration above. In any case I've not 'plugged' RS's website recently so he was overdue this one which - as always - I'd recommend you take a look at HERE

And the pics....

Great-crested Grebes. David Cookson

This photograph of the Great-crested Grebes engaged in courtship display is both beautiful and brilliant. Thanks DC....nature at its most breathtaking. 

Otter. Ian Tallon.

And a nice pic of the Otter recently discovered in the Lakes at Ambleside. Thanks for this, I liked it so much that I edited the post to put it up....nice one Ian.

I'D SOONER BE BIRDING....and hopefully will be for a couple of hours tomorrow.


  1. Hi Pete, politics round here? Never! Forgetting the slogans, those crocusses and sunshine at the weekend was magical. Bring on the spring.

    I was extremely surprised and thrilled to see a Waxwing outside my front window this afternoon but by the time I'd found my camera it was gone. Had a nice view all the same.


  2. A few things here Richard.

    First its good to hear from you again....crocuses and sunshine bet....bring on the spring....definitely....Waxwing outside your window....who wouldn't be surprised to see that....I won,t ask where your window/Waxwing is/was it just doesn't seem right that I should.

    Thanks for this Richard.

  3. I was working from home and on the phone at the time. I glanced out the window and could see a larger bird, than normal, in a Whitebeam tree, on the opposite side of the road. Normally there are only House Sparrows over there so it looked odd. I could see a crest and immediately thought Waxwing. Fortunately the binos were on the coffee table and upon closer inspection I was right and very surprised! I don't mind telling you where I am, it was on Bentham Road near to Burrow Beck in South Lancaster. I received RSPB membership for Christmas, this last one gone, and we went to Leighton Moss in January. We were very lucky to see a Bittern there and on the way back to the car there were crowds pointing their lenses into someones garden. There were a small group of Waxwings in a tree. I felt a little embarrassed amongst the crowds on the side of the road but I took a look nonetheless as I hadn't seen one ever before. So today's was the second and a real treat, as I had pangs of envy when I heard they had been in Booths car park a few months ago (as we are close to there). This time I didn't have to share it with anyone (except my partner)! It was on its own though, is that unusual? Are they beginning their travels back somewhere?
