BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Flogging a dead horse!

Waders. David Cookson 

There's a relation to the photograph of the Redshanks and Oystercatchers in that I've been down by the seaside again today. I don't usually use such language when it comes to my birding, but at times today I felt I was 'flogging a dead horse' though a grandad with two grandchildren, two youths who thought they'd have a days fishing, and a woman - my politeness shining through there - with 14 dogs - I'll just repeat that - 14 dogs, all played their part in ruining the day.  I think the first lesson to learn if/when you take up this birdwatching thing is to get used to the 'blank times' of which I had one or two today. 

It only took a few minutes to see that Conder Pool had been deserted and I never even got out my note book. In the creeks I found only 5 Common Sandpiper, a Spotted Redshank, and saw a juvenile Reed Warbler, having only moments earlier thought they had failed to turn up this year in the reeds upstream from the A588 road bridge, though at least two Sedge Warbler have been heard on my visits. On the Lune Estuary at Glasson Dock 2 Arctic Tern obliged today, at rest with the waders of which I noted at least 300 Bar-tailed Godwit, 450 Dunlin, 200 Knot, 320 Redshank, 5 Greenshank, and a solitary Golden Plover.

At Cockersands where the 'dead horse' - and the aforementioned 'woman' with 14 dogs - was certainly present. I did manage to get to grips with a count of at least 120 Tree Sparrows today, and a female Sparrowhawk. The only butterflies noted were 2 Red Admiral, but on last Thursdays visit I overlooked posting my records of c.55 Small Tortoiseshell and a Red Admiral at Cockersands.

And finally....

Grey Partridge. Geoff Gradwell

Nine of twelve in this covey of young Grey Partridge, a bird which can lay as many as 20 eggs. Thanks to DC/GG for the photographs.


  1. Thanks for the image plug Pete, I happened to name it TRANQUILITY in stark contrast to your experience....Dog walkers are the vain of my photographic life.....but fourteen!!!!

  2. I can sympathise with you Pete! some days disturbance is everywhere on my patch, long gone are the days wheb it was all wild and lonley :-(

    14 Bloody dogs!!! only astounded more by the 120 Tree Sparrows!!!!!

  3. I reckon this 'woman' - keeping up my politeness - exercises these 'things' on a daily basis and makes a packet out of it into the bargain....its got nothing to do of course, I just wish she'd P... off somewhere else with them.

    Thanks for looking in guys.

  4. Should read....its got nothing to do with me of course, I just wish she'd p... off somewhere else with them.

  5. Thanks for your comments Pete. Dog walkers aren't so much of a problem in the park as the birds are used to it but when they stray into the farmland nearby its a differrent problem.
    I'm afraid I hate everyone especially somebody with such a number of dogs. There is no way he or she can deliver the quality of life to those animals
