BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Better Late Than Never.

For one reason or another I'm heading towards another week away from birding come Tuesday, so here I am again filling the gap....the end of the world is nigh!

Wheatear David Cookson  

After significant delays for some of the earlier arriving migrants many of them have now flooded back, though later arriving species like the Spotted Flycatcher may well have made landfall at Portland Bill in Dorset but I've seen no reports of them yet in our area of the north of England, and as I see it the Swift is only present in the UK in small numbers and if the weather outside my house at present is anything to go by any build up in numbers of them are going to be slow if happening at all. But one species I've seen reported in good number this spring both locally and nationally is the Whinchat, and I'd say a big alleluia to that....Thanks for the Wheatear David, could be Portland Bill but isn't.

Red-rumped Swallow Antonio Puigg  

One of any of these three species would have been a welcome sight to us up here in the north, 10 Hoopoe - one locally recently - which have been seen from the Scillies to the Outer Hebrides, 8 Bee Eater in Norfolk, and 4 Red-rumped Swallow....Thanks Antonio.

I have too many locations to mention that I want to get to in the coming weeks....but not in weather the likes of which still prevail.

Greenfinch Noushka Dufort  

Our garden claimed another first yesterday when a Greenfinch visited the feeders....Thanks Noushka.

And finally....This video is a pleasant one to pass on a few minutes, and with some nice music too....Thank You Ana.

I'D SOONER BE BIRDING!....but not looking all that good.


  1. Lets hope the weather picks up a bit Peter.nowt wrong with a bit of rain as long as it doesn`t linger.
    I`m sure come the end of the week migrant nos will be well up.Swifts being reported in good numbers now!!!!

  2. A Hoopoe here Pete would make up for all the disappointment of loosing the likes of Cuckoo, Lesser Whitethroat, Garden Warbler, and possibly Turtle Dove as breeding birds on my patch this year :-)

  3. Beautiful post Pete.. Great pictures.. Love it.. Thakns for sharing..

  4. Paul/Warren/Ana....Always good to see you looking in on Birds2blog and passing your comments which I take note of. Always welcome and appreciated.

  5. Pete. Good numbers of swifts present yesterday at Leighton Moss,probably 100-150.Another cold and windy week ahead,not looking good for Bowland's whinchats ,wheatears,ouzels etc.There will be very little food available.So looks like our trip will be delayed !!

  6. Hello Pete,
    Many thanks for visiting my blog while I was away!
    Yes, this cold and wet weather is despicable and must have such a negative impact on bird and fauna in general.
    Great post, cheers!

  7. Brian....Thanks. Will be in touch.

    Noushka....Thanks, welcome back. The weather becomes a more serious issue by the day and doesn't look set to change much at the moment.
