BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Sunday, 26 December 2010

The River Wyre.... Abbeysead.

River Wyre. Peter Guy.

I managed to sneak out of the room for a while to give Birds2blog the kiss of life and to post a couple of photographs which I found in my 'inbox' to help it along the road to recovery. Many thanks PG, these pictures have several reasons for me to be pleased to see them and here are a couple of them....

In the first place it doesn't seem all that long ago I was visiting this area, how time flies, and secondly I was mainly visiting because not one but two pairs of Pied Flycatchers were found to be nesting here this year and something which made this all the more special was the fact they were both nesting in natural tree holes, always more rewarding than finding them in a man made home to raise their young in.

River Wyre. Peter Guy.

Both these photographs are taken within a stones throw from both the PF's nests, and if you're reading this JB - and I know you are - although these pictures here won't encourage you to think so because they'll make you feel it's a long way off, but just remember, once we get the other side of next weekend it'll soon be Easter, and once we get the other side of that, it'll soon be spring and I know very well like me can't wait!



  1. Hi Pete.true enough but nice scenes though.JWB.

  2. Chicken and egg, Pete. No evidence of any natural-hole-nesting Pied Flys in this area before the nestbox scheme was started in the 1960s by Chester Mockett. Therefore could natural-hole-nesters be a spill-over from successful nestbox populations?!

  3. PS Any of the hole-nesting adults ringed, please?

  4. Thanks John, by the time you read this you may have been out with me birding today.

    Excellent views of one of the pairs on most visits here during the summer but none of the other.

    No rings seen and I'm convinced you know by now you'd have been one of the first to have been told so if there had have been Pete.
