BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

The Polar Bear Problem....

Polar Bears. Copyright Angela Plumb.

There's some interesting reading on the WWF website - linked from my sidebar - on the plight of the Polar Bears directly linked to global warming. The photograph above is a way of conserving energy for the young bear during their ever increasing travels to find food, an amazing image. 

1st winter Grey Wagtail. John Bateman.

Well if the harsh winter weather keeps us indoors at least you can continue to get your photographs if birds  keep visiting your home like this Grey Wagtail does at JB's. This is the only urban Grey Wagtail I know which often appears in this residential area of Lancaster far from its usual habitat of fast/slow flowing rivers and streams with plenty of exposed rocks in and alongside the water.

Waxwing/Redwing. Mike Watson  

A rare opportunity for Mike to have these two Scandinavians together on the same berry supply recently at Preston.

Aythya Hybrid. Colin Bushell

And here's the odd one out, the Aythya hybrid on Southport Marine Lake and is a probable Pochard x Ferruginous Duck....I think I would be inclined to agree with that.

Thanks to JB/MW/CB for the photographs and for helping me out with my latest 'gap filler' until I can get out birding once again.


  1. Hope this weather ends soon Peter

  2. Yes this weather is definitely not good, nice and dry but too cold. Hope to see you Friday though.

    Thanks for looking in John.

  3. It is hard to ''bear''this cold Pete.... well you started the bad puns!!

  4. Hi Pete. Apparently the hybrid moved to Martin Mere WWT the next day. Had a look on the marine lake again this afternoon and still plenty of ducks there. I love birding in this weather but you have to worry about the fortunes of some of our birds ...

  5. This weather 'snow-good' is it Warren....Urgggh!

    I love birding in this weather too Colin. I found c.6,000 PFG yesterday and reckon if I'd stood around grilling them much longer than I did, the next passer by would have found me as a block of ice.

    Pity you missed the RLB at Marshside Colin.
