BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Monday, 24 May 2010

Purple Heron again, and a Stint!

With reference to Saturdays post about the Purple Heron, and having been reminded of my failing body parts, I did have access to a Purple Heron pic after all and my thanks go to one Mr Phil Slade for the image above taken on his recent obviously resoundingly successful and enjoyable holiday in Menorca....Thanks Phil.

Another Fylde birder - as PS above - takes the prize today. As I drew up on to the car parking area at the lighthouse at Cockersands this early afternoon I could see a silhouette complete with tripod and telescope on the skyline opposite Plover Scar, as I identified who this was my pager alerted me to the bird mentioned further down this post and of course the silhouette had to be that of SP.

It was 11.00am before I got to Conder Green this morning though it mattered not as the place was almost deserted, but the Little Ringed Plover at least obliged on Conder Pool by making its presence known here still, hopefully confirming that a breeding programme is still in place, though I never fail to cringe each time I see a Carrion Crow, Grey Heron and Lesser Black-backed Gull on here as I did today. On the circuit the only two birds of note were the Whitethroat and Sedge Warbler both singing in full voice.

As I drew on to the car parking area at Cockersands I could see a pretty large number of what turned out to be in excess of a very impressive 200 Ringed Plover intermingled with in excess of 300 Dunlin, definitely something to keep me occupied for a while I thought, but now SP is bearing down on me to tell me of a bird he's found with this large group of waders and promptly suggests we go down on to the shore and walk towards Plover Scar to eventually have excellent views of a Little Stint. But this bird is something of a scarcity in our area in the spring so there was the bonus of seeing the species in it's spring/breeding plumage of which the last of this scarce spring sighting was a bird at Sunderland Point on 28 May 2008.

An excellent record image of the Little Stint with a Dunlin for comparison at Cockersands this early afternoon. Thanks for putting me on to this bird SP and your mobile calls to keep me up to date whilst separated on Plover Scar....this is what I call friendly birding. 

As Mondays are a 'short shift' of birding for me at the moment I was now running out of time but didn't do so before I'd see at least 2 Sanderling with this large group, and a Whimbrel gave itself away by its pleasant rippling whistle call as it flew off. Though we're heading into the quite June period on the birding scene I'd call this a very rewarding 'half day'.

And finally....

Another of those stunning images David Cookson is adept at achieving, this of the Little Egret in the low evening sun. If you'd like to see more of this kind of photography HERE is the place to go....Thanks for this David. 



  1. The Little Stint image reminds me of a magic May afternoon with a Broad-billed Sand' at Cockersands. Happy days!

  2. This birder was definitely looking for such a bird when he found this I can assure you.

    Thanks for looking in again Colin.
