BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND................................................................................SCAUP MORECAMBE BAY PETE WOODRUFF

Friday, 25 June 2010

Good....start to finish.

Excellent actually....start to finish, the start being confirmation that the Little Ringed Plover pair on Conder Pool are 'having a go' at a second breeding attempt, that's assuming they already 'had a go' at a first, so watch this space, or keep an eye on them for yourself. Also to add to my records of yesterday, the Spotted Redshank seen again with c.80 Redshank, and 2 Common Sandpiper.

I was with JB/BT today and went off into the hill's from Conder Green where - from the Hawthornthwaite track - a Buzzard, a solitary Small Heath, and Golden-ringed Dragonfly were noted in the few minutes spent here.

Sand Martin. Peter Guy.

At Cam Brow at least 30 Sand Martins included juveniles from up to ten active nests this year, and at Wellbrook Farm an attempt to count House Martins here today resulted in an estimate of 10 pairs at nests at the house, also a healthy number of Swallows make this one of the best farms I know of anywhere in our area. Many thanks for the pic Peter.

Sand Martins. John Bateman.

John did an excellent job of freezing the action of these birds at Cam Brow today where c.30 birds were fully active with some juveniles taking their first flights....thanks for the pic John. 

In the area between Marshaw and east of Tower Lodge 3 Common Sandpiper, 3 Grey Wagtail, male and female Redstart, 4 Goldfinch, a Coal Tit, Mistle Thrush, and 3 Spotted Flycatcher including birds still attending two nests. BT claims to have seen a pair of Bullfinch from the track behind Tower Lodge in which case I personally don't recall recording them in this area before. A brief stop off at Stoops Bridge gave a pair of Grey Wagtails.

And the grand finale was finding the Spotted Flycatcher back at Christ Church after all, though I do recall JB claiming to have seen one here earlier in the month or perhaps late May, also 2 active House Martin nests at the church and one at the bungalow here.

I really must end by noting just one butterfly (Small Heath) seen in five hours in the countryside today....Mmmmm!    


  1. Pete. Another good day out for you and " the lads ". Bit too hot for me at the moment and I am praying for rain to cool things down a bit.

    Catch up with you soon and enjoy your weekend and next week's birding.

  2. Good news on the LRP front Pete. Keep an eye on the spot. fly's too, they should have young out soon :-)

  3. Yes a good days birding, and 'your'e' Spotted Flycatcher is back at the church. Thanks again for looking in Brian.

    Yes as you say, good news on the LRP's and SF's Warren
