BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Thursday, 24 June 2010


A click on the 'translate' button wouldn't bring you a result with today's title so if by chance you're struggling with my English it means 'are there any birds around'....Well there wasn't too much around today but on the principal 'you never know with the birds' off I went.

Redshank. Phil Slade.

It's never very difficult at all to find excellent photographs and a quick daily trawl through the Fylde Bird Club website had me viewing a couple of nice ones to brighten up Birds2blog including this Redshank calling in flight which can be found along with many other excellent photographs and interesting reading at Another Bird Blog ....thanks for this Phil, keep 'em cumin!

This is another one of my photographic masterpieces taken today on Conder Pool and shows three birds on the near island to the viewing platform two of which are obvious, the other not so.

Well, 3 Common Sandpiper at Conder Green this morning think it's autumn and are already on the move, also a Spotted Redshank was on the marsh roosting with c.15 Redshank at high tide. On Conder Pool 2 Grey Partridge were almost certainly the same as seen here on 14 June, 4 Wigeon drakes are another increase of one, and 11 Tufted Duck noted, Oystercatcher and two young were also on one of the islands. On the canal basin at Glasson Dock 2 Great-crested Grebe appear to have failed in an attempt to breed for some reason or other. The Lune Estuary - as viewed from the Vic Hotel - has its late June emptiness about it though it was good to see a Common Tern showing off it's skill at plunge diving, and a pair of Shelducks had a remarkable 30 young in tow.

Robin. Stuart Piner.

And the other excellent photograph I came across was this one of the young Robin....thanks for this Stuart you can keep 'em cumin too please.

At Cockersands even the c.60 Oystercatchers were about as low a count as you'd ever see here, 10 Eider were off Plover Scar, and on the circuit back via the road I heard one Sedge Warbler still in song, saw 3 Skylarks, and in the time it took me to do the circuit I counted at least 45 Small Tortoiseshell butterflies however, having recorded those the question is....where are all the butterflies this year?

And finally....

Long-eared Owl. Brian Rafferty.

Another of those stunning LEO photographs of which you can see more and many other excellent photographs HERE ....thanks for this Brian.


  1. Knowing you like your Stonechats Pete, I thought i'd let you know I had a young one turn up on my patch today - they have bred somewhere then!

  2. Great to hear of the Stonechat on your patch.

    I saw you comment about someone you regard as your most consistent contributor to your blog, the same goes for me to you on Birds2blog and I really appreciate not only your interest but showing it too....Many thanks for this Warren.
